Punch Needle Fabric: 9 Count: 70 x 80cm: Cream: 1 Piece

1 in stock

£ 12.99

This 9 count fabric is the perfect foundation material for punch needle and rug hooking, especially for beginners. It is a soft and sturdy, loosely woven fabric, made from 100% cotton and comprises of 9 holes per inch. It can also be used as a base fabric for embroidery and other needlecraft projects. The size of the fabric piece measures 70 x 80 cm so simply cut your piece to size, zig zag stitch the edges to prevent fraying and pop into an embroidery hoop or onto a frame to begin working on your design. Also available on a bolt and in 11 count.
Yarn Color

Camel, Dark Blue, Navy, Purple, Red, Royal Blue, Lavender, Mehroon, Zinc


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